Privacy and Legal Notices


I am a bit of privacy zealot.

The bottom line is that I will not share or transfer in any way to any other party, any personally identifying information that you provide while using this site. Not unless you give me your express, written permission to do so. The sole exception to that is if you break the law somehow, and the authorities want to know who you are. Then I'm afraid they'll get your info.

Personally identifying information is the normal stuff like name, address, email addresses, etc. But here's a caveat I bet you might not know about but should keep in mind while surfing the wide web: If you even provide just your gender, zip code and birth date, you likely become identifiable. How? Well, even though those bits of information may seem anonymous, they aren't really. It turns out that there's an 87% chance that you are the only U.S resident with all of those attributes. Throw in some public records databases, and it becomes fairly simple for someone or some company to figure out who you are. Kind of creepy huh? Read more about it here: Electronic Frontier Foundation. So, be careful with what info you share out there. And I'll safeguard your info too.

Also, non-personally identifying information about your visit may be automatically collected for the purpose of improving this site, it's navigation and content. Non-personally identifying information can include: browser type, browser cookies and IP address and search terms used to reach this site. It may also include information from you that you voluntarily provide (such as information included in response to a questionnaire or survey) or post to a public area of the site (such as a comment area or message board). I will use this information to try to make better choices on my end so that I can provide more of what you - my visitor - want to see. You're happy, and I'm happy.


And now I need to include these little bits of info to keep other people happy too.

For the good folks at Amazon:

The owner of this blog is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates.

And for the FTC:

The authors of this blog endorse or recommend certain products/services on this site. If you purchase something by following a link from this site, they will typically receive compensation or a commission from the sale of those products or services. However, rest assured that out of the literally billions of things available for review on this planet, we only recommend or endorse the ones that we believe have merit and reflect our personal values and quality requirements. By clicking and/or buying you will enjoy a positive purchase experience and will also help me keep the lights on. For that, we are thankful.

Now everyone's happy and life is good. :-)